Uprooted! Replanted! Repurposed!
And he replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted.
Leave them! They are blind guides.
Matthew 15:13-14 (NET)
We should all take wisdom from the Bible passage that reads: “There is a season... and a time for every purpose under heaven...a time to plant and a time to uproot (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 AMP). How is God moving in your life now to uproot you from things the devil planted in you? Who are the people you need to detach from so you can have inner peace and mature spiritually? What are the lies you believe that the Lord desires to take out of your heart?
Human nature loves to cling to the past and the familiar. But our spirit man longs for new paths and higher ways for our souls to think. Once our spirit is born again of God’s Spirit transformation begins. Our actions change because our thinking and imaginations change. We move out of dead religion and break off from people who have a form of godliness but exhibit no change in their lives. The Lord gets us out of the rut of the “same old, same old.”
Jesus is always working on your behalf to uproot you from things and even relationships that bear no fruit. He will replant you in rich soil where seeds of faith will flourish. Be courageous and yield yourself to the Master Gardener’s hand. The plans you have for your life cannot hold a candle to what He has in store for you. If you want to live for His design expect Him to uproot you to replant you so He can repurpose you!