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The Door to Deeper Faith

But since you are lukewarm... I’m going to spit you out of my mouth.... Take this seriously and change the way you think and act. Look, I’m standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I’ll come in and we’ll eat together.

Revelation 3 :16-20 (GW)

Have you strayed from Jesus, the lover of your soul? Have disappointments, unanswered prayers, and or antagonizing grief closed the door of your heart to Him? It’s not uncommon to have your hope in the Lord dashed by the cruelties of this world and the people in it. If your once passionate love for Christ is now lukewarm, the Lord’s love for you remains the same. He stands at your heart’s door knocking. Let Him in, and He will breathe on the smoldering wick of your soul. He will reignite its flame within you to burn again for Him.

The Lord wants to sit down with us and enjoy a meal. That should not surprise us, knowing that he would eat with sinners and the like in His day. The intimacy of eating with people holds even today, but in Jesus’ day, it was a mark of a life-sustaining relationship. His invitation is not only for the believer whose love is now indifferent but also for the one who does not know God. Anyone who opens the door to receive Christ can come to know Him as a friend and partner in life. Your heart’s key must never lock Him out of your life.

Life on earth is problematic. Man is born for adversity. Our heart is the door that must remain open to Jesus. We give the devil a foothold if we close our hearts to Him. We then are most vulnerable to his power to pull us into despair and apathy. We are in a time of a new beginning. Please make the most of it. Change the way you are thinking and renew your friendship with Christ. There is no better time to let Jesus enter your life and be the true friend that He is. All of this is possible as you open the door to deeper faith.


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