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Seeing in the Dark

Leah conceived and gave birth to a son and named him Reuben (See, a son!), for she said, "Because the LORD has seen my humiliation and suffering; now my husband will love me [since I have given him a son]."

Genesis 29:32 (AMP)

Have you ever felt that you were unloved by those you love? Have there been days when nobody noticed you or appreciated anything about you? Take a lesson from the Bible, for in it are the words of life. Leah's husband, Jacob, and her sister, Rachel, dismissed her for most of her lifetime. Her father also treated her unkindly. Like many of us, she belonged to a very imperfect family who could not give her the love she desired because of personal flaws.

We all have imperfect relationships, so we might lift our eyes toward heaven to the One who perfectly loves us. God sees you when you think no one sees you. When no one else cares, God cares. Leah gave birth to her first-born child, a son whom she named Reuben, which means "see a son." In this way, she had an assurance that God had blessed her in her plight. God not only saw her, but Leah saw God in the birth of her son.

Do not allow the limitations of your life to avert your eyes from Jesus, the Son of God. Don't allow the warm summer sun to close your eyes to His gaze. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith; behold Him and see His eternal work in your life even though it is unseen by most.

Pay attention to Leah's lesson. Look to God for perfect love. Thank him for the blessings in your life instead of mourning your disappointments. Out of your pain, the Lord can bring a great blessing. Leah would never know in her lifetime that her fourth son, Judah, was the ancient ancestor of Jesus, our Messiah. See the Son, and He will surprise you with His love.


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