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Let There Be Light in the Darkness

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Let There Be Light in the Darkness

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6 (NLT)

What good is a flashlight at noon time? Not much but take it out at midnight and see how useful it is. Jesus said that both He and His followers were light. Do you hide your light when darkness enters your space or prominently display it? The answer makes all the difference in the world. The gloom you feel will lighten when you practice who you are in Christ.

In the last two years, America's turmoil has made our nation foreign to many of us. Should we complain about the state of our country or see it as an opportunity? Is God giving us a backdrop to sparkle like stars in the universe? The blacker the night, the brighter the light. Believers are the salt of the earth. You've got to be salty and speak the truth in love. Brace yourself for the backlash but do not retreat. Light always brings a censure from the darkness. Find your voice of authority and use it because darkness never extinguishes the light.

The cruelest place on earth is in the heart of man. When man surrenders his heart to God, a miracle happens. Light burst forth to bring life to men. How will people know the truth without a preacher? Today you have a platform like never before in your lifetime. What the devil means for evil, God means for good. Open your mouth and set the crooked places straight. Multitudes are groping in the darkness calling evil good and good evil. Are you ready? Lights, camera, and action for God set the stage! You are the light, and the world is the camera. Dare to be who you be in Christ and shine.


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