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Keep Your Focus

…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NKJV).

When asked by His disciples to increase their faith, Jesus had a surprising answer. He told them if their faith was the size of a mustard seed, they could say to a mountain to move, and it would. What did He mean by this incredible and encouraging statement? The answer is in the seed. Though the mustard seed is small, it produces a tree that grows large. Your faith which is little has the capacity to multiply and change your world.

Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. Your faith in God can move mountains if you are looking in the right direction. You cannot work up faith. But your faith can work you up! It happens when you keep your focus on Jesus. He is the source of confidence in your life. In fact, when you die to yourself, it is Jesus's faith in you that will emerge.

Fear is Satan's weapon of choice, and he skillfully wields it. Faith fueled by love is the antidote for fear. God uses every trial you face to grow your faith. You may dread trials and afflictions, but only through them will your confidence rise to move mountains. When times of crises, spring on you take up the shield of faith, resist the devil, and watch him retreat. By faith, Noah built an ark, and when the storm came, He and his family rode it out in safety. Go into every trial with your mind set on Christ, believing that He will deliver you out of each one! Lose your focus, and you're done. Keep your focus, and you've won.


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