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Jesus and the Lilies

My loved one is gone down into his garden…I am for my loved one, and my loved one is for me; he takes food among the lilies (Song of Songs 6:2-3).

Jesus has come down into His garden to browse among His lilies. He lives in a high and lofty place, and at the right hand of His Father, He sits. But yet Jesus comes down to where you are because He loves you. He desires for you to know His love for you. The lilies are His children who do not worry or carry weights too heavy for them to bear. The burden of their Lord is light. These are the sons and daughters of God who know the Lord comes down from heaven to visit them. The Holy Spirit lives in them, and they walk in the Spirit because He always leads them to where Jesus is.

The King is in the field. He now waits for you to recognize that He is forever with you. You can access Him for His desire is for you. He is your comforter, counselor, and constant companion. Though many, your problems are small. In the light of His presence Satan's power to disillusion you diminishes. Worry, fear, and anxiety will block you from the luxury of the Lord’s company. Such things are weeds in your garden that God will uproot for you. His desire over you is love and well-being and if these two are not in attendance with you enter once again into His presence for nourishment.

Distractions will over talk the voice of the Lord and will lead you away from Him. When they call, do not answer them. Ignore the commotions and emotions that so quickly overwhelm if you heed them. Turn off the noise of the world and go to the tent of the Lord set up in your field. Draw near and meet Him there for where He is you must also be.

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