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Embrace Grace

Hebrews 12:13-15 (CJB 2016) and make a level path for your feet; so that what has been injured will not get wrenched out of joint but rather will be healed…Keep pursuing shalom with everyone… See to it that no one misses out on God’s grace, that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble and thus contaminates many

For most, grace is a truth too good to be true. Because humans, in general, find it difficult to extend grace to people, we find it also hard to receive it. The grace of God is His unmerited favor. He approves us even when we don’t deserve it because we are His children. Embracing the message of Christ and believing that God sent Jesus into this world to save us and not condemn us has radical implications for the way we think and live our lives.

Embracing grace is to be in union with Christ. He is our Healer and the One who desires to redeem us of every sinful habit and thought. By His grace alone can we live a life unspotted from the world’s appetites and passions. The lusts for money, prestige, and acceptance can drive us into a place of great unrest and heartache. Our soul becomes a battleground where we injure ourselves because we indulge in the comfort of the world’s dreams and goals. Through His grace, we can refrain from such things and experience peace and contentment in the Lord. We know He will provide for us, and He will heal us in His timing.

You can approach God’s throne room of grace at any time. He wants you to come to Him for help boldly. Keep yourself in the love of God and refrain from every lustful desire of the flesh. Root out every bitter complaint of your heart and give thanks. Stay on a level path by pursuing peace with everyone as this is how you mature and come into balance and health. Keep your thoughts on the things of heaven while your feet are firmly on the ground!


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