Can Something Good Come Out of Evil?
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 NKJV).
In every tribulation, whether it is personal or, corporate God will work it out for your good. If you love God and you have aligned yourself with His purposes for your life, something good will come out of the COVID- 19 pandemic for your life. Begin to reset your thinking and look forward to the Lord ending this crisis. Prepare yourself to experience how the Lord will turn something evil into good for you.
By staying at home and cutting out “extra-curriculum” activities, you have more time as a family to unite and seek the Lord. As you separate yourself from lesser things, the Lord will draw you close to Him. You will hear Him speak and see Him in more personal ways that will astound you. We are social distancing from one another, but we are not isolating ourselves from one another. We look for ways to encourage one another and give people a word of faith that pierces the darkness.
Yes, social distancing is the news of the day as it should be; however, we must not distance ourselves from the Lord or one another in a relational sense. If we do so, we will be worse off, not better. Petty issues that divide people should no longer matter. Retract the pointing of the finger, and your heart will open up to receive healing and hope.
All of us should now have a new appreciation for our health and wholeness. Our bodies are the temples of the Lord, and He wants us to value our bodies by living a clean and righteous life. We can do that as we submit our souls to Christ and obey His word. Worry and fear must not rule over us for the Lord shields us by His glory. If you belong to Christ you are a spirit being born of God and the devil cannot touch you!