The Crown of Thorns
"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand... there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (2 Tim. 4:6-8).
Near the end of Jesus’s life, just before his captors nailed him to the cross, they placed a crown on his head. Someone had fashioned a wreath made of twisted thorns just for the occasion. They enjoyed humiliating Him by mocking His truthful claim of being a King. Christ suffered every kind of abuse as he hung dying -stripped naked on a cross. He did not die a peaceful death. Instead, he died in great agony in body and soul.
Emotional pain drives people to self-destruction in various ways and degrees. It serves as an impetus to every kind of sin springing out of the taproot of self-hatred. As Jesus’ tormentors demonstrated their warped souls by giving him a crown of twisted thorns to wear, we must do the same. The masquerade must end as we take off the masks that hide our ruined souls and deceptive hearts. Only then can we give them to Jesus just as they are.
Near the end of Apostle’s Paul’s life, he looked forward to wearing the crown Jesus was to give him. Paul the, self-proclaimed “chief of sinners,” made a great exchange. He gave His crown of thorns to Jesus, and, in return, Jesus gave Him a crown of righteousness. Jesus became sin for us. He took the punishment for our crimes that we may share in his freedom. Give Him your twisted soul, and His love will give you a pure heart. Give Him the crooked place in you, and He will make it straight.