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See, Speak, and Do Faith

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb. 11:6 KJV

The Lord is generous and loves to reward our faith in Him. It gives Him great pleasure to give His sons and daughters perfect gifts. In fact the reason why your faith pleases Him so much is that it opens the door for Him to reward you. The Lord enjoys blessing His saints. Most people believe God exists but many do not seek Him. When we persistently seek Him because we believe He is a rewarder we please Him. Do you see God as your Heavenly Father who wants to bless you because you are His child? Faith in God requires that you see through the eye of Light.

If you see by faith you will also speak in faith. You speak what you see. Watch your words for they carry great power. The word of God carries greater power. With your words you tear down and build up. With your words you plant and pluck up. When your words agree with God’s word you change and things change for the better. Words propel you forward or hold you back. You affect people by what you say. You affect demons by what you say. You affect angels by what you say. You affect the Holy Ghost by what you say. Words are weapons. You can destroy the works of the devil with word of God. You can also tear down what God desires to build in your life by your words.

If you see and speak by faith you will learn to walk by faith. Everyday you practice what you believe. There is only one way to live acceptably unto God in this world and that is to operate in His faith. Discipline your mind to think about God as your loving Father. Think of how He has blessed you and what He desires for your life. Turn your thoughts heavenward on a daily basis. Train yourself to stay out of rebellion with yourself and those around you because God gives grace to the humble. As you make this your life style you will remove all barriers that are blocking the rewards God wants to give you.

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