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Angels Are Watching You

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them (Psalms 34:7 ESV).

The shepherds got scared when the angels appeared to them, announcing Jesus’s birth. The first reaction from humans when seeing angels is often the same-FEAR. To see into the unseen world is frightening, and yet the revelation we receive from it is priceless.

Angels excel in strength. They are mighty beings. They live and operate in the presence of God. Unlike humans, emotions do not move them. That is why we need them. They are active amid adversity and fight against evil spirits in the unseen world on our behalf. When you are in danger or need strength, ask the Lord to send you angels to help you.

Spiritual realities are eternal. What we see with our natural eye is temporary. We must live our lives knowing that the spirit world watches us and that everything we do is naked before our Lord. The fear of the Lord activates your angels to minister and help you in this world. Watch what you say because the faith in your mouth will trigger your angels to help you. Lay aside all deceptive words and practices because these things will hinder you from receiving divine assistance.

Jesus Christ came that we might have life abundantly. He came to transform us from sons of this world’s sorrow into sons of God’s right hand. Do not be afraid of living in the presence of God as the angels do. For in this way you will lack no good thing. Because of our son-ship, we have access to the glories of God’s Kingdom.

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