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Come to Yourself and Arise to Your God

But when he came to himself…he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him (Luke 15:17-20)

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines presence as something (such as a spirit) felt or believed to be present, the neighborhood of one of superior, especially royal rank. God is Spirit; thereby, His presence is one unseen to the natural eye yet recognized and honored by his sons in their daily lives.

We disengage with our Father when we discount His presence. Like Adam, we run from God when we sin because of shame. And again like, Adam, we think we can hide our shame from Him, which shows our complete lack of sense. But what of the Christian who has nothing he can point at as sin, daily unconscious of the presence of His Creator? Which is worse, avoiding God because our lives are sinful? Or are we poorer when we ignore Him because our life is full of good things like church, family, and jobs that pay well?

The prodigal son left the presence of the abiding love of His Father. He lived without His company until he came to himself. To fear the Lord is only possible when we come to the truth that without the Lord in our lives, we are of men most miserable. He is our life, and we live because of Him; without Him, nothing in our life exists. Humility is key in bringing you into God's presence and keeping you there day after day after day.

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