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I Belong to Him and He Belongs to Me

He has brought me to his banqueting place, and his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me](Song of Songs 2:4 Amplified Bible - AMP)

Weddings are beautiful and when the ceremony ends the celebration begins. Delicious food is set out for you as you enter the banqueting hall. The atmosphere is full of music, and the dance floor is open for all. Weddings remind married couples of their marriage and the promises they made.

Jesus, our Bridegroom, prepares for us only the finest for our life! The Lord brings us to His banqueting table where we find the best. Wounds, past disappointments, and tragic events darken our lives to the point where we doubt the goodness and love of God. We wonder why and begin to isolate ourselves from the Lord and His people. Sin abounds in this world, and the devil is here to steal, kill, and to destroy us if we let him.

Jesus says, “Come and learn of me,” and if we answer Him, having eyes only for Him, He brings us to His banqueting table. In the presence of our enemies, He prepares a meal for us. He takes us to His dance floor and with our head on His shoulder, the cares and heartaches of this world fade away. His promises to us never fail. He will fulfill His marriage covenant and never break it. And if we do, He will forgive us, as we turn back to Him to receive His mercy and grace.

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