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What It Means to Belong

You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father

(Romans 8:15)!”

Every human being has an innate need to belong. God designed us to fit in to have a sense of belonging. There is a place for you in Christ in God's family with all the privileges and blessings that go along with it. Your life on earth is, at best, a rocky one. A broken home, a parent's death, or abusive family relationships lead to a sense of alienation. Most of the hurt you carry today relates to your childhood and the perceived rejections you experienced in your family.

If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ Holy Spirit lives in you. He is terrific and he does beautiful work. He leaves no footprints, yet He walks with you every step of the way. As you submit to Him, He will convince you that God is your Papa and you are His son or daughter. He is the Spirit of adoption that says, "You are mine along with your brother Jesus who is also your friend."

Jesus related to his Father as Abba (Daddy). Before Jesus, no one could relate to God in such a personal and intimate way, not even Moses or David. God, as Abba is only possible through our relationship with Jesus. It is a unique, beautiful revelation that only the Holy Spirit can make real to you. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of adoption. He works in you to free you from fear and a master-slave relationship to a Father-Daughter or Father-Son relationship. Only He can do it. Cease from your striving and entrust your heart to the work of the Holy Spirit. Yield to Him and see the results.

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