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Divine Connections

Stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Heb.10: 24-25).

You are a walking cosmos. Who on earth knows your every thought, feeling, and the encounters you have faced other than yourself? But do you know yourself better than anyone else? Surprisingly how you perceive yourself is not how others may see you.

Linking up with the right people can change your life. Divine relationships are amazing, and they are necessary for you to thrive in your devotion to God and his calling for your life. First and foremost is your connection to God through surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. In Him, you move and find your life and reason for being. If you disconnect from God, you suffer in ways that are past finding out. You lose proper perspective, and God’s chosen destinies for you go unfulfilled

All of us need to judge ourselves accurately. We should think of ourselves no higher than others and perhaps more importantly, no less than others. We all have blind spots. Things others can see about us, but we cannot see. We need people around us, motivated by love, to see our rough spots but also the gift God made us to become. Are you a gift that remains unopened? God sends us people, and He sends us to people to help us see ourselves as He does. The question is, will we connect and let God’s people help us accomplish our purpose on earth?

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