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The King’s Speech

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech (1 Tim. 4:12).

Our words flow out of our heart. Sometimes we get it right, and other times we fail miserably. Of all my failures what I regret the most are the words, I spoke from a place of hurt and anger. A mature believer learns through many trials and errors that only the Holy Spirit can restrain his tongue.

We must practice the King’s speech. Jesus’ words though powerful and at times forceful never broke a person’s spirit. He knew when to speak and when not to say a word. As we enter this season of renewal may we begin again to consider what we say and how we say it.

Timothy as a young man had a great mentor in Apostle Paul. He taught Timothy to be an example in his speech to those around him. People judge you by what you say. Our language should be clean and clear. The less we say, the better. Endless discussion and debates only lead to further problems and strife.

The key to clean and clear speech is a clean heart. The Lord will clean up our hearts and our verbiage if we submit our hearts to Him. We find our true voice when we lose our false self to gain our authentic life. Listen to what you are saying to yourself first. Those words in your mind often dictate what you say to others. Take mercy on your self, and you will have mercy for those you want to criticize and wallop with your words.

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