Magnificent Sons
…and the house that is to be built for the LORD must be exceedingly magnificent (1Chronicles 22:5).
The House of God is magnificent. It is not made of brick and mortar but of souls that are precious living stones, which will withstand both the pressure and fire of God. When you surrender your life to Christ, He plants you into His house. Growing up in the Father’s House will cleanse you of idolatry. For He alone is your Creator and ever present help in trouble. Idols in your life are very familiar and are as close to you as your right hand. So remember when you are going through the weight of a fiery trial do not think it’s strange or that God has forgotten you. In reality, God your Father is looking right at you with eyes of compassion to show you the idol that you lean on instead of Him.
God builds His House with sons who are stable and secure in His love and provision. God knows how to build you for the storms of life that are ahead of you. He knows where you belong and He has a place for you to thrive not merely survive. There is a place for you in the Father’s House where you can be part of something greater than yourself.
The Lord puts the solitary into families. Isolation breeds darkness, self-sufficiency, and the lie. When God looked at His son Adam, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone.” He fashioned another like unto Adam, and He blessed them and said to them “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and rule.” The Father blesses His children to lead prosperous and productive lives to become warriors that not only defeat their enemies but rule over them.
Jesus says come and His bride says come; come into the House of the Lord and prosper. God has two families one in heaven and one on earth. Your life is going to change when you unify with other believers who desire both to know God as their Father and their selves as sons.