Golden Calf: A “Go To” God
… he made a golden calf. And they said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 32:4ESV)!”
Can God do anything? The answer is no. God cannot lie. God cannot deny Himself. God cannot do evil. God is unable to do things that are not in sync with His character. He unlike us, fragmented in our being, is complete. The good news is that in Christ we are complete. In Christ, we put on the new man making it possible for our actions to align with the character of the Lord.
God is good, and He cannot be bad. No one on earth is immune to bad things even tragedies. Most of the bad things we endure are the result of either the choices we make or of those we love. Grievous mistakes that cause us harm and heartache are the results of sin. Believing in the goodness of God will keep you from turning to idols when things fall out bad for you. In the midst of our panic or heartache Jesus, our Redeemer can deliver us and show us a better way.
If you believe the lie that God is the author of evil, then you will rely on the "golden calf" of your choice to see you through life. Sex for love or the love of money along with other addictions like alcohol, gambling, and isolation are all "go to" gods that bring temporary comfort in times of pain. But the sacrifices you make to those idols are very demanding. They will destroy you.
Align yourself with God and His goodness. Do not believe any voice that will veer you off the path of life Jesus Christ marked out for you. His plans for you are good they cannot be evil. He will bring you out of destruction and will not let you down.