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Celebrate: You’re Going All The Way!

Whoever has will be given more, and they will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them (Matthew 13:12).

As we celebrate the Passover Lamb that takes away the sins of the world we rejoice that our Redeemer lives. He lives today to save us to the uttermost. Jesus is never half-hearted in His love for us, desiring the fullness of God, to fill us. His precious blood buys us back from the devil and his plans to destroy us in this life as well as the life to come. We must take the cup of His blood and drink all of it rather than part of it.

The Israelites had to leave Egypt, a place of slavery and yet a place they called home, for a strange land they did not know. As you enter into another phase of new life in this season of miracles, you must leave behind the old that you believe to be better than the new. The exchange of the familiar for the unfamiliar is necessary. God first leads you out so that you can go into something unknown yet superior and grander. Coming out of the prison cell of fear, doubt, resentment or just the way you have always done things will require you to step out in faith trusting God for something greater.

Holy Spirit wants to create through you something that will show others the goodness of God. Are you ready to put your right foot in forwarding motion? Are you willing to let go of the past and reach for something new that will give you life yet more abundantly? As you seek Him first and His approval you will follow on to know the Lord in his fullness. Go all the way with Him. Press on to know the Lord, and He will come to you like the spring rains, refreshing you, to see you across to victory.


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