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Spring Up!

My beloved responded and said to me, 'Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along. For behold the winter is past’ (Song of Solomon 2:10-11).

Jesus, our Redeemer, became a nobody to make anybody who trusts in Him a somebody with a real purpose in life. Jesus gave up His life that you and I could have a life. He died for everyone so that those of us who are living should no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died and brought back to life for us.

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last; He is the Beginning and the End. You are entering a season in your life to end downward cycles of negative thinking and defeat to begin upward cycles of spiritual growth and victory. Christ is your redeemer, and He lives to make intercession for you to save you to the uttermost. If you make life about trying instead of trusting Him, you will give up trying. Jesus Christ is always beckoning you to rise and go to the next thing with Him.

The source of your life is Jesus Christ. He is the Spring of Living Waters and when you are thirsty, depleted of joy, draw from His wells of salvation. He will help you begin anew! He will bring you to life again. Now is your time to spring up, develop and grow.


A Time and A Season

Ecclesiastes 3:11- He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no on can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

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