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His Banner Over Us Is Love

…he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4 ESV).

The call of God rings out from His divine nature. The call of the wild rings out too, and it’s altogether familiar to you. To answer the call of God is to partake of His nature; to reply to the call of the wild is to eat of your own.

Few heed God’s call. Most cannot see God because they only have eyes for themselves. With an ear, yet refusing to hear God, most prefer their voice. But to the few who hunger and thirst for righteousness Jesus prepares a banquet. The Lord’s Table is His divine nature, and every good and perfect gift originates from it.

He leads us to His banqueting hall, and His banner over us is love. We follow Him in our spirit and soul because we identify with Him. He is our closest friend and faithful confidant. He is calling now, and our part is to respond to His nature desiring something unfamiliar yet alluring to us. As we trust His promises and find Him faithful and true to each one, we become like Him and as He is so are we in this world.

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