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His Name Is Faithful

…may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. 24 God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful

(1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 NLT).

Don’t give up on yourself. God cannot lie. Faithful is he that has called you who also will do it. Do what? He is perfecting your spirit, soul, and body. What is your part in this process? Yield your will to Him and come asking and you will receive. Be patient with yourself and do not grow weary in your well doing because God in due time will fulfill His promises to you.

The Lord’s character is faithfulness. He is steadfast in His affection toward His people. He is loyal to them. Much of what the Lord is doing in your life is a progression. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Seasons come and go, and as we remain on His path and do not go our way, He will show Himself strong on our behalf.

Stay the course and do not fret when the answers to prayers are long in coming. Talk to your soul and say, “Hope in God for you will yet praise Him.” The anchor of the soul is hope. Without hope, your soul despairs and cannot hold to the lifeline of faith which can make the impossible possible. Hope is not a “maybe, ” or a “might be” it is an overwhelming confident expectation that things will be. Isn’t it foolish to be so sure in your anticipation? No, it’s never foolish to have faith in God’s faithfulness.

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