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Shattered Souls Matter

May the God who gives peace make you holy in every way. May he keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ comes

(1 Thessalonians 5:23).

When people you trust sin against you, the pain you experience may continue long after the transgression. Sin can shatter your heart into separate pieces where the darkness of fear and bitterness reside. Do not see yourself through the eyes of anyone who rejected or mistreated you. See yourself through the eyes of Christ who loves you and gave Himself for you.

Jesus never taught you to reject yourself though men rejected and despised Him. The wounds He suffered empower healing to your wounds today. The cross cancels the power of sin over you and gives you a new life. Jesus not only forgives your sin but also takes it away. As you submit to Him, Christ makes you holy and whole.

Having love and genuine compassion for yourself opens the door for Jesus to heal your brokenness. You can love yourself without being self-centered. You can love the sinner in you and yet hate your sin. Look at your sin; be disgusted over it, for it separates you from your Creator and divides your heart. Forgive the abusers in your life, those that are past and that, which is within you. Turn to God and repent and He will deliver you. Jesus wants to preserve your soul, but the sin you give place to will cause you to lose it. Deny your self the pleasure of sin to abide in the healing love of Christ.

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