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Born-Again Love

…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know… hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.… (Romans 5: 4-5).

The love of God goes beyond an emotion that ebbs and flows depending on moods or circumstances. To dwell in God is to live in His love. His love manifested in us is patient and kind yet hating evil regardless of the situation or how someone treats or responds to us.

The Greek word, agape, used about God’s love means “benevolence or good will.” God has this kind of love for humanity. Love like this has no place in any human bereft of the Holy Spirit. You will experience this love when you are born again of God’s Spirit. It comes through revelation, and the power of it will transform you into the image of Christ. You receive the capacity to love like God when you choose to forsake all to follow Him.

Once you are born again, the stretching process begins. You now have the power to act as God’s love does. God will allow people to betray you, and you will forgive. You will obey God knowing you will face unfair and harsh judgments, and yet you will endure. You will rebuke people because you care more for them than what they may think of you. You will stop asking God “why “over every obstacle that meets you in life because you know He makes all things work out for your good. You will relate to God as your Father and realize He relates to you as His son. This kind of love is born-again love.

Are you born again?

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