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These Three Guarantee Victory

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1Corinthians 13:13).

In this life, no doubt disappointment comes and will come. If you have expectations of people and circumstances that do not unfold take heart and do not allow dismay to overtake you. If Jesus is your Lord, expect tribulation but be of good cheer because Christ has overcome the world. If you lean not to your understanding and trust Him, He will lead you to overcome as well.

People who do not know Christ may take on a stoic attitude toward life. You may have heard them say, “expect the worse and hope for the best” or “hope for the best prepare for the worse and expect nothing.” If you do not know Christ the reality is that you have no hope in this world. True hope is the overwhelming confident expectation that what you desire in God will happen.

Expect roadblocks on your life’s journey but there is a way around it. Remain strong in faith today, looking ahead with eyes of hope, always fueled by love and your victory will surely come.

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