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Stretch to Expand

But new wine must be put into fresh wine skins. “And no one, after drinking old wine wishes for new; for he says, " The old is good enough.'' (Luke 5:38-39).

God created your body to stretch. The simple act of stretching can improve your blood circulation, which helps to protect you from many diseases including diabetes and kidney failure. When you stretch your muscles, you extend the tendons that attach to the bone. The length of these fibers determines the muscle size. Stretching your muscles gives you more flexibility to expand your muscle mass.

Our human bodies are prophetic messages of God’s desire for our life. He made us not only to stretch our bodies but our minds and spirit. Life itself is a picture of growth. God created us to be flexible that we may progress from glory to glory. The steps of a righteous man God orders; our life is a ladder and upon His command we rise. As we move up, our vision expands. God continually adds to our life as we take on challenges by stepping up to it. If we do not step up to it, we often lose what we have gained.

Step out of your comfy shoes and try on a new pair. We do not expand if we do not stretch our hearts and minds. Growth isn’t remaining the same being year after year, making the same mistakes, and enduring the boredom of life. What challenge is facing you right now? What problems plague you over and over again? If you want things to change stretch yourself. Do not remain in a rigid pattern. Come out of it and you will see another way, a better way to move.

You must draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. If you are to grow spiritually and do mighty exploits the ways you come near to Christ will change. You will step up to find yourself in impossible situations, like walking on water, and at the moment you think you've lost it all Jesus will stretch out His Hand to deliver you.

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