The Two Altars
Never restrain or put out the fire of the Holy Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:19 (TPT)
As you study both the Old and New Testaments, the undeniable theme throughout is God’s desire to be with His people. In the Garden of Eden, the process of enjoying God began. Though lost because of sin, the Lord found the Way to restore it. Today God has forever sealed our fellowship with Him through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ.
The two altars located in both the tabernacle and temple of the Old Testament are pictures of the death and resurrection of Christ. The first was the brazen altar in the outer court. Aptly named, the fire from this altar consumed the brazen sins of the people through their guilt offerings. But another one more exquisite in the inner court just before the Holy of Holies was the golden altar of incense. The fire of this altar burned the spice that created the holy smoke that rose daily.
Today our bodies house the Spirit of the living God. That was God’s plan throughout the ages. He desires that we freely love and commune with Him as He loves and wants to connect with us. The cross has made that possible. Our hearts must stay aflame with both altars. As we remember His death until He comes, we can’t help but build the golden altar of endless praise within our souls. Our worship, honor, and adoration fueled by our love for Him raise us to new heights of glory despite the darkness of this world.
