Spring the Trap
Life Lines
Spring the Trap
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 (NKJV)
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! What has kept you locked down and unable to freely move and flow in this life? God created you in His image. In Christ, you are a son of God, a son of liberty. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to help you wage war over your mind to debunk every false claim and bogus report you have believed. The devil is the father of lies, and the whole world lies under His power.
Beloved, we are in a season of new beginnings. Repent for believing the lies of secular society that bind you with fear. Ask God to forgive you for living your life based on those fears. Forgive everyone who has spoken false words over you that became your reality. Open your mouth and counter deception with God’s word and what He says about you. Pray in the Holy Spirit to build up your faith and keep yourself in the love of God. When you feel unloved, you need a good soak in God who is love.
Sin’s root is fear which entangles us in bondage. Set your heart to spring from every trap that holds you back. Live in the Spirit and walk with God, who is love. Love never brings fear! Break every agreement with fear and enemies of the truth and speak only God’s word over yourself. God gave you a mouth to speak life, so use it to glorify Him.
