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Return to Sender

Acts 3:19 (TPT) And now you must repent and turn back to God so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Lord’s presence.

Now is the time to return to Your Father in heaven. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. He is not angry at you. He holds no records of your wrongs against you. Satan, on the other hand, does accuse you. He will block you from returning to the Lord through his lies and oppression.

He has the power to blind your eyes to the goodness of the Lord. He schemes to get you to doubt the Lord's love and faithfulness for you.

God made you in His image. That is why Satan hates you so much. He darkens this world with death, hatred, and fear. Jesus is the light of this world, and in Him, you too are its light. As we walk in His light, we find love again and the assurance to go on despite many difficulties. God sent His divine son into this world as a human; that's why Jesus gets you. He understands your fear, doubt, and anger. He experienced the same emotions you do yet without sinning.

Are you at a place where you do not know where you are going? Do you feel like what's the use amid the turbulent times of which we live? Have you ever toyed with taking your own life? Like a misplaced letter, have you lost your way in this life? God created you to be a message to the world of His restoration, kindness, and love. It's time for you to return to your Sender.


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