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Of Whom Do You Bow?

Look closely, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome and conquered!

Revelation 5:5 (AMP)

If you look closely into the night sky, you can see a pattern of connected stars that display a lion. It is the constellation known throughout the generations as Leo. Hydra, the water snake, runs underneath it. The lion’s paws tread over it.

Jesus is Lord overall. He is the first and the last. The keys of death, hell, and the grave belong to Him. He is the lion of Judah, the one who overcame and conquered the devil. Bow down to Jesus alone. Like a roaring lion, Satan roams around your life, seeking an opportunity to pounce upon you. He wants you to bow to him. Please do not fall for his tricks. Instead, confidently access the throne of grace every day. Be alert to the enemy’s tactics. Jesus grants us His authority and gives us the grace to tread over serpents and scorpions.

If we serve the lion of Judah, we should be bold like Him. Take on His identity and be an overcomer through Him. Die to self-pity and victimhood. You are not helpless because God is your helper. Live to obey Him and take satisfaction when the God of peace crushes the head of Satan under your feet.


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