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Curses Turned Into Blessings

Thorns and snares are in the way of the obstinate... He who guards himself [with godly wisdom] will be far from them and avoid the consequences they suffer.

Proverbs 22:5 (AMP)

We see the word thorns for the first time in Genesis 3. God cursed the ground because of Adam's disobedience. He listened to his wife and ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We continue to do the same today when we lean to our opinions, judgments, and understanding rather than the wisdom of God. How would our lives differ if we relied on the Lord and His wisdom instead? Adam could still cultivate the cursed ground, but his life would be problematic. A thorny life robs us of the favor and protection of our Father.


The mind of Christ offers us spiritual wisdom, which often makes no sense to the carnal mind. Earthly wisdom is a lie that counteracts the truth of God's word. When we run after the pleasures of this life, worry, or burden ourselves with the world's cares, thorns grow into the soil of our hearts. We become easily irritated and apt to fail to appropriate the grace of God. Like a thorn embedded into your skin, you know it's there, and it's not pleasant. The briars and thistles of our lives are painful irritants. Once we tire of the pain, we are ready to choose a different path. We are genuinely sorry for our stubbornness and repent. A change in mindset can transform a curse into a blessing.


Jesus wore the crown of thorns, taking our pain and giving us hope. Jesus Christ sacrificed everything to reclaim everything for us. He redeemed us by becoming a curse for us, thus granting us the favor and protection of our Heavenly Father. The old hymn says, "He paid it all, and all to Him I owe." Therefore, put your trust in the Lord today and lean on Him. He will remove the thorns from your heart, enabling you to bear much fruit for His Kingdom. 


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