Be a Watcher
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2 (NIV)
The shepherds were watching over their flock by night when Christ was born. Awestruck, the angels appeared to tell of His birth. They witnessed heaven's host sing "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." Watchers get to see things that others never see.
The Lord is a watcher. His eyes search the whole earth to strengthen the hearts of those devoted to Him. Angels watch too! They move in the unseen realm, actively participating in the lives of the saints. The devil also watches, seeking whom he may devour. We, too, the children of the Lord, must become watchers. We must peer into the secret realm by faith to see what others do not see. We must watch and pray.
Prayerlessness opens the door for destruction while prayer preempts the devil's attacks. It renders the forces of darkness powerless in your life. Prepared saints are praying saints. How many attacks of the devil could you prevent if you prayed intuitively by the mind of the Spirit? Awake saints, for our nation, needs us. Like a good shepherd, guard the God-given blessings of our country.
Put on the armor of Light and be ready to battle. Now is not the time to be complacent; it is the time to be active! Watch for the thief who comes by night to steal, kill and destroy. Be on guard, saints, and keep that devil out of your life!