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Discover A Life In the Holy Spirit

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father (Ro. 8:14-15)!”

We live in a society that judges you by and large on how you perform. Job evaluations, report cards, and college entrance exams all require a passing score for acceptance. We tend to grade ourselves as well as others according to our standards of approval. Your upbringing has a significant influence on how you live your life as an adult. Did you grow up in a household that required high grades on tests or high fives on the sports field? Did you find it hard to accept yourself feeling less loved and less praised?

In Christ, we discover a new way of living. Jesus paid the penalty for our poor performance of keeping the Law. We do not have to make the grade in God’s eye because He has done it for us. He loves us for who we are, not what we do! Our part is to grasp the gift of righteousness the Lord extends to us. We may find it difficult to accept such a gift. Our pride may require us to earn our right standing with God. Like the little kid who exclaims, “look Mom I did it all by myself” we dutifully want to this “God thing” all by ourselves.

If you do things “for God” and others so you can feel good about yourself is love motivating you or is it pride? Do you say to your self, “If I do this deed, then everyone will think I’m a good person”? Or perhaps you think, “Well, if I do this, then that person will love or appreciate me.” What we do to feel worthy about ourselves even if what we are doing is right will not mature or bring us closer to God. But what we do in faith fueled by love will.

The grace of God may seem too good to be true. But God’s grace is good, and it is true. Jesus Christ paid it all. He fulfilled the Law something we cannot do. He is our way back to our Creator, our God, and yes even, our Daddy. We are sons of God, who the Holy Spirit leads. A life surrendered to the Holy Spirit is life everlasting a life worth living.

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