What Is Your Mouth Birthing?
And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right (James 3:10)!
What has your mouth birthed? Conversely, what has your mouth killed? In the Message Bible, we read “words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit-you choose” (Proverbs 18:21). Having the wisdom to know when to hold your tongue and when to loose it is far more precious than gold. Faith is in your mouth to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in health or sickness, until you die!
“Badmouthing” others becomes effortless with practice. It’s easy to spew words of contempt on people when you’re a pro at it on yourself. “I’ll never get it right.” “I’m a mess-up.” “Nothing good happens to me.” “I’m ugly.” “Nobody loves me.” “I’ll never get a decent job.” The words you “eat” are the foretaste of what you serve to others, poison or sweet fruit are both on the menu. You choose!
If mouthwash is not enough to cleanse the words you are speaking then oral surgery is necessary. Painfully and with much determination remove from your mouth the words of fear and hatred that give birth to ruin. And likewise, remove from your life the “badmouths” around you.
This is your year to give birth to blessings. You can make real changes in your life by believing in God’s best for you. Join people in partnership with Jesus Christ and choose to speak life over yourself and others. God’s ear is not heavy that He cannot hear. You are either justified or condemned by your words. What’s on the menu for today? Choose wisely.