Quit Trying
Whatever is not from faith is sin [whatever is done with doubt is sinful].
Romans 14:23 AMP
Over many years of ministry, I have often heard the phrase “I’m trying to do better” or “ I’ll do the best I can.” Every time I hear phrases like that I cringe inside. The try-hard mentality does not proceed from faith in the finished work of Christ. Self-effort is a sin.
Trusting that Christ is working in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure is such a joy. When we know Jesus loves us unconditionally, it is easy to trust him. He doesn’t make us a better version of ourselves; no He makes us brand new. As we yield and cooperate with Him, He transforms us. We do not live for Jesus we live because He is our life.
Holy Spirit is our comforter and our help. Jesus lives now in heaven, but His Spirit lives in us if we indeed belong to Christ. Holy Spirit is as close to us as our breath. He will never leave or forsake us. The work of the Holy Spirit in your life makes you holy. He changes your desires. Sin no longer appeals to you. You find yourself hating the things you used to love and loving the things you used to hate. How does it happen? Simply trust Him. Take His yoke on you, and He will guide you to the end of your days.