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True Disciples Produce Healthy Fruit

Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.

(Matt 21:43)

What would you choose an apple for dessert or a big slice of devil’s food cake? For many the choice would be a no- brainer, chocolate lover in particular. What kid do you know who prefers an orange to M&M’s? Human nature loves short-term pleasure even at the expense of long-term gain.

Fruit is sweet, and it’s good for us too. People who are intimate with Jesus Christ are visible by the fruit they bear. They have no alluring quality about themselves and shun the limelight for the shadow underneath the Almighty. Ironically people may reject those that bear fruits of righteousness thinking of them as much too "spiritual" or fanatical for their taste.

No matter how congenial or decent your human nature becomes, it can only bear diseased fruit. But if you abide in Christ and His word abides in you something amazing will happen; you will bear His fruit and without any striving on your part, it will come forth. Many will reject you because of the fruit you bear in Christ, but others will come to it and taste to see that the Lord is good

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